Wednesday, February 8, 2017

Chiropractic Care Offers Help From Car Accident Injuries

Americans and people from other nations have many things in common, including driving automobiles. Unfortunately, along with driving cars comes motor vehicle accidents. Coinciding with these auto accidents are often injuries, ranging from minor to serious. During a car accident, forces are unleashed that cause trauma to both the driver of the vehicle and to the vehicle itself. Auto accident injuries tend to be similar in nature, and this article will list the injuries most likely to be sustained by passengers.

Drivers are seated with seat belts when these injuries occur. The most common injuries occur to the neck and head. Other common injuries are to wrists, shoulders, low back, knees and ankles. There are many other types of injuries that can happen, but this article will cover these most common injuries.

In whiplash the cervical spine, or neck, extends in the lower part of the neck and simultaneously flexes in the upper part of the neck. This is known as an "S" motion, where years ago researchers thought it was just a "C" motion (straight backward and then forward). The research with this finding has uncovered the most common injury in the neck, which is an injured facet joint. These joints are the ones that make a popping noise when a chiropractor adjusts or manipulates a patient's neck. Sprain/strains and a reverse curve of the neck are also very common with motor vehicle accidents (MVA). These injuries can lead to chronic pain and early arthritis.

Whiplash type injuries also occur in the shoulders, caused by strain from the seat belt during impact. Labral tears can occur following sprain/strain injuries of the shoulder muscles. The back shoulder muscles, which include the trapezius, levator, scapular, rotator cuff and rhomboid muscles can also be injured. If the shoulder joint becomes dysfuntional it can lead to frozen shoulder syndrome.

Wrist injuries happen mostly when the driver is holding onto the steering wheel during impact. These wrist injuries effect the muscles, tendons and joints of the wrist. Broken wrist bones are also common.

Knee injuries occur during a crash due to the knees hitting the seats or dashboards, and the driver's body hitting the inside parts of the car. Kneecap sprains and/or fractures are often the result. Feet and ankle problems happen as a result of the driver braking during impact.

Low back injuries are common as a result of the seated and seat belted position of the driver. Disc injuries are quite common in the low back after a crash. Leg pain as well as low back pain often results from these type injuries. Chiropractors often discover joint dysfuntion, sprain/strains, and lumbar subluxations (or dislocated joint) of the low back. Pelvic unlevelling is also often discovered following car accidents.

Chiropractic care can be extremely beneficial to people who are injured in car accidents. Nearly 40% of injured seek chiropractic care. This type of care specifically addresses the soft tissue and joint injuries associated with car accidents. Chiropractors utilize all natural approaches which is becoming more and more sought after. The two basic types of treatments offered by chiropractors fall into categories of passive and active care. Passive care includes spinal and extremity adjustments, physiotherapies, laser treatments, ultrasound therapies and different muscle techniques. Active care involves things patients will do at home and work. They include exercise programs, nutrition counseling and ergonomic considerations. To find a chiropractor that fits your needs, the best advice is to seek out a personal reference.

About the Author:
By Dr. Matt Caron

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