Most of us are probably tired of the discordant sounds from the megaphones of the insecticide vendors; "e dey kill mosquito, dey kill cockroach, and spider. Don't allow mosquito to override you in your house o, ehen!"
You get to your workplace early in the morning, and instead of the captivating smell of Chanel No 5, all that oozes out from you is the smell of insecticides (different portions you've mixed like an herbalist).
I don't still seem to know how people easily detect the real thing smelling. Probably they're secretly in your shoes too (me just pondering).
We've tried various 'species' of insecticides on just one specie of insect, yet, nothing seems to be working. There is God o, all these people that are selling us fake products. They should continue, God will see us.
Bedbugs are very good hiders, a characteristic skill they've so much developed to withstand intending harms in whatever environment they find themselves. This makes it very hard for insecticides to work on them.
Some bed bug populations have become resistant to insecticides. Making use of insecticides on this kind of population may cause them to move to a new hiding place or temporarily flush them out of existing locations, worsening the case.
#1: If you must use insecticides, then be specific. There are lots of insecticide products been sold that are not specified on killing bedbugs, they're probably made for other types of insects. So the next time, you're getting one, make sure to read the label on its container, to know what exactly it is you are buying.
#2: There are more fake products out there than you can imagine. Most insecticides are not registered or certified. A lot of insecticide producers don't love you, what they care about is their money, even at the detriment of your life. Be careful!!!
#3: Organophosphates (original or fake), backfire on the user (you), and not on the target (bedbugs). They pose greater danger (to your health) than the good you think they do.
For more on this, read INSECTICIDES AND YOUR HEALTH.
Now you've seen that insecticides don't really work on them. So what does?
This post is the fourth of the series DEALING WITH BEDBUGS. More posts still to come.
Do stick around. Hey, not like bedbugs. *Winks*
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